
Aashutosh Kattel

Greetings, fellow wanderer of the internet!

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Languages and Tools :

Domains of Interest :

Web Security
UI/UX Engineering
Adventure Sports


Bachelors in Computer Application
Tribhuvan University

Compiler Errors? More Like Ink Blots and Eraser Marks. 🚩
That's how university taught us to program 😤

Areas of study:

Data Structures & Algorithms
Software Engineering
Cloud Computing
Microprocessor and Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics & Animation
OOP in Java
Network Programming
Operations Research


Position :
  • Senior Executive

  • Responsibilties
    • Managing day-to-day operations of the IT Club, ensuring smooth functioning and coordination of activities.
    • Led a team of 6 members, providing guidance and support to accomplish club objectives.
    • Organized and executed various IT-related events, workshops, and seminars aimed at enhancing members' skills and knowledge.
    • Collaborated with other executive members to develop strategic plans and initiatives for the club's growth and success.
    • Fostered a collaborative and inclusive environment within the club, encouraging participation and engagement from members of diverse backgrounds.



    Vehicle Rental System backed by PHP.

      # Highlights:
    • Booking info. sent to mail
    • Google ReCaptcha API integration
    • Dummy Payment Gateway

    Product review and recommendation system backed by PHP + Python.

      # Highlights:
    • OAuth Implementation
    • Pantry - API based JSON storage solution
    • DDOS Prevention System (Traffic monitoring/blocking)
    • Scrapes data from given url.
    • NLP - Analyze sentiments from reviews and suggest the user.
    • Text to speech (Amazon's AI generated text)
    • Search History
    Ecommerce Site

    Backed by Python - Django

      # Highlights:
    • Basic
    Donor Log

    A unit of blood bank management system backed by PHP.

      # Highlights:
    • Track records of blood donors.

    Clipboard Hijacking was demonstrated here.